Ghost Note Course – Lesson One
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Welcome to the Ghost Note Course. In this course I’ll shed some light on the things I practice to work on getting my ghost notes nice and smooth and having control over timing and dynamics. Ghost notes can be very important in terms of making a groove ‘happen’. On paper, the exercise in this lesson is simple but it’s pretty tough to play well.
I demonstrated this at a medium tempo but remember to go as slow as you need to. Even if you’re comfortable playing it quicker, the slower tempos are just as important.

4 Comments. Leave new
you mentioned demonstrating, but I don’t see the video?
Hi Tim,
Can you describe exactly what you mean and what you wanted to see demonstrated?
above it says “I demonstrated this at a medium tempo but remember to go as slow as you need to. ”
I don’t seem to have access to any video?
Just wanted to mention this video issue has been fixed, thanks Brandyn ,
and I am looking forward to diving into this excellent course.