Hand Exercises – Warm-Ups
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Here’s a detailed rundown on warm-up exercises. I often get asked what specifically to play to warm-up, if it’s good or necessary to warm-up at all and what kind of pad to use so I address all these questions and go over some great exercises.

2 Comments. Leave new
Hi Louie.
Thank you for this great lesson.
Where did you find the reflexx pad?
In LA or back home ?
I’m currently in LA and have already visited te pro drum shop, Sam ash and guitar centre West Hollywood and none of those shops have them.
Would love to feel it before I buy online!
Hi Andy,
The Reflexx pad can only be bought online. They seem to do limited runs of them so keep an eye out on their social media pages and website. It’s great pad – highly recommended.
(I am back in LA on 5th April).