Gig Preparation
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Here are some tips for preparing for gigs/sessions and some experiences I’ve had over the years that I hope you find helpful. In this lesson I talk about:
Learning music
Making charts
Choosing what gear to use
Playing appropriately for the situation
Comment below or post in the Q&A section with any questions!

2 Comments. Leave new
Great stuff! Definitely good points about the right gear for the gig. I got called for a big band gig before the pandemic hit and luckily there was a rehearsal because I showed up with my small combo kit and a 22″ K Constantinople ride that is very dark. I realized pretty quickly this was not going to work at all to drive a big band…even some of the guys in the band expressed concern and that they couldn’t hear me, so for the actual gig I brought my kit with a bigger bass drum and a 20″ K custom ride that really made a big difference, so luckily I have been called back to sub in that band again and won’t make that mistake again.
In keeping with the gig prep theme…when you get to a gig, how much time do you allot yourself for setup and tuning for the room, and what adjustments do you make to your drum sounds to make it right for the particular room you’re playing in?
Depends on the gig and the importance of the finer details. The drums will sound totally different in different rooms but I just tune to what sounds best in that particular place. I might dampen the toms or kick slightly if it’s a reverberant room. The main adjustment is from my playing and touch though (playing quieter, etc). I can setup the kit in 15 min, even it’s a big one, but I like to be relaxed so I get to the gig 30 min before soundcheck if I’m taking my own drums.
Great example on the big band gig. Things like that can totally make or break the sound and feel for the other musicians.