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Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! This month’s phrase is a mixture of 16th’s and 32nd notes with some tasty dynamics. This content is for members only. Add to Favorites
Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! I made the switch to Yamaha! This is a long, in-depth discussion on why I switched and how these drums stack up against everything else I’ve played! This content is for…
Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! A really tasty and musical 32nd note phrase! Note – literally just set these new drums up….still working on the mix and getting things dialed in. 20″ kick, 10/12/16 This content…
Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! Here’s a nice exercise to improve your improvising skills and work on your time and sound. There are three patterns (with a variation option for each) and the goal is to…
Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! Here’s a slick phrase between hi-hat and snare, reminiscent of some Dave Dicenso vocabulary. You’ll often hear him play these slinky 32nd note phrases with tons of ghost notes between hats…
Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! One of Dennis’ legendary signature fills that’s great for high energy moments and song endings! This content is for members only. Add to Favorites
Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! Here’s a cool little flurry on the hats that you can add to spice up your swung grooves. This content is for members only. Add to Favorites
Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! Here’s a very simple but effective workout for the hands; one that’s particularly challenging for the left hand. The idea is to push yourself and work until failure, using the 3/4…
Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! Here’s a fun double-pedal phrase! It uses the most common sticking but we’re phrasing it in a different way that makes the lick sound really cool. This content is for members…
Hello, Login to start. Not a member? Join Today! This is a cool ‘hack’ for your shuffle grooves. I first saw Weckl do this and I heard him say that he first got it from Gadd. The right hand comes…