Hand & Foot Combinations – Left Hand Lead Exercise

Here’s a great routine based on one of the classic hand & foot combinations. It serves as a great endurance exercise for your right foot but also as a test for your brain with the way we switch from groups of 4 to 3.

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  • Bryn Mathieu
    June 17, 2023 9:37 pm

    Wow, what a great a great warm up! Leading with the left, the groups of 4 to 3 gives everything a check in. Found my hips need to relax to make the time. I broke things down to layers and the added each foot back in to a click.
    For desert a played with your montuno track up to speed and was pleasantly surprised on play back. Looking forward that lesson when I get my courage up!

    • Hi Bryn! Great to hear! Always good to dedicate some time to practice leading with the left. It can be a good idea to spend a month or two playing all your usual patterns/warmups left hand lead. Any time you play singles/doubles/paradiddles on a pad, for example, just get used to playing them all left hand lead as if that’s your normal way to play.



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